Clinica Estetica Laser
Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

The most innovative in non-invasive treatments for body remodeling, fatty tissue reduction and skin contraction. Exilis Elite has the combination of two technologies in a single treatment: the synergy between the ultrasound and radiofrequency waves, emitting a large amount of heat, thus reducing the treated areas and shaping them, thus returning their tonicity, elasticity and skin texture , achieving visible results after 4 sessions.

Small varicose veins
Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

Telangiectasia are small blood vessels located under the surface of the skin. They can look red, purple or blue. The most frequent areas of presentation include the face, upper chest and neck. You can find vessels with the same characteristics on the legs, called spider veins or spider webs. They are usually removed for aesthetic reasons.

FILLINGS AND Hyaluronic Acid
Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

FILLING WITH HYALURONIC ACID: It is a facial rejuvenation treatment, its greatest property is to increase the volume and light points of the face.

Small amounts are applied with different techniques depending on the area to be treated, which facilitates the elimination of wrinkles in less than an hour.

Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

The different treatments to be mentioned for maintenance of already implanted follicles or early prevention of hair loss are suggested.

Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

Cryolipolysis is a non-invasive dermatological procedure, whose objective is to destroy fat cells by lowering their temperature so that they decompose and are eliminated, without damaging the rest of the skin cells. The temperatures used are below zero degrees.

Cryolipolysis works progressively. The first changes can be noticed three weeks after the treatment, after two months you can see an important change. Ideally, go to the consultation, once there we will study and diagnose which area can be treated with cryolipolysis to obtain the best results.

Gynecological Laser
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Without Surgery

It is a surgery that is used in women who want to improve the aesthetics of their vagina, solve certain psychophysical needs due to very intimate circumstances or sensations. This surgery manages to correct defects suffered by traumas or congenital malformations, beautify and rejuvenate the woman's genital area. It is an outpatient procedure, without hospitalization, designed to improve sexual satisfaction. Our laser techniques consist of precise procedures performed carefully, with controlled accuracy, resulting in a procedure without bleeding.

Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

Laser hair removal is a high quality, innovative, safe and suitable technology for everyone, specially designed for semi-permanent hair removal. Through the light emission of the laser, the hair follicle is devitalized without affecting the adjacent structures; and not only that, but the skin is benefited since the laser has a stimulating effect on the collagen fibers, favoring the turgidity and elasticity of the skin.

Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery


Laser that allows us to act on the different skin layers, especially those damaged by aging, causing micro retractions, offering excellent results on wrinkles, combining a slight ablative technique together with the provision of deep heat, achieving tension in the tissue and developing new collagen. . With the same principle it improves the sagging and displacement of some body areas, stretch mark attenuation, pigment spots and keloid scars.

Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

Vacumterapia is currently classified as the best therapeutic alternative for cellulite: it solves and remedies pathologies such as lipo-panniculo-dystrophy, that is, what we commonly call cellulite.

Vacumterapia is a non-invasive treatment that seeks, through disconnecting devices, to drain adipose tissue, mobilizing localized fat towards the lymphatic system. It is used as an alternative to eliminate localized fat, and is usually a complement with the cavitation technique.

Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

Ultrasound provides a massage in the cellular field, which favors the increase in membrane permeability. The mechanical energy absorbed by the tissues is transformed into thermal energy since the body opposes a resistance to mechanical movement, so heat is generated. This contributes to the stimulation of cellular metabolism and blood circulation, favoring hyperemia.

It is a painless, non-invasive method that breaks fat cells using high-frequency sound waves, breaks the adipocyte, and promotes the release and elimination of its contents.

Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

With the advantage of being a non-invasive method, the Thermoradiofrequency stimulates the collagen and elastin fibers, responsible for the firmness of the skin, when activated by the radiofrequency, leave their state of sagging and elongate causing in turn the stretching of the Dermal tissues producing a firm and healthy skin appearance, results obtained both in the facial and body area. Other effects achieved with this treatment are: decreased expression lines, improvement of local blood circulation, stimulation of the drainage of fatty deposits to the lymphatic system and stimulation of collagen fibers that when stretched produce a toning effect.

Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

The laser lipolysis procedure is the 21st century response to patients' wishes for body contouring, it is a simple, short, safe procedure that removes fat by melting it and making extraction a much simpler and less traumatic process. This type of laser wave is absorbed in a high percentage by the fat specifically allowing a selective handling of the same breaking, through the transformation of the laser energy into heat, the fat cells and releasing their liquid content which greatly facilitates the subsequent extraction of the same since it is not necessary to perform a great mechanical trauma to remove the fat but simply suck the melted fat thus minimizing damage to the other tissues, resulting in less pain, inflammation and less recovery time.

Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

It is one of the most effective and comfortable cutting-edge methods of fatty tissue reduction. With the advantage of being a non-invasive treatment, Ultracavitation reduces fatty tissue and cellulite through low-frequency, high-power ultrasonic waves that selectively attack fat cells and triglyceride molecules producing their breakage without affecting other tissues. These become liquid and then are eliminated in a natural metabolic way through the urine.

Varicose Veins
Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

FOTOV is an outpatient procedure that can treat large varicose veins in one session (without surgery). In this way, with a lowly invasive procedure, in a fast, effective and safe way, excellent recovery of the patient is appreciated, consequently this practice is the most appropriate and chosen by both the patient and the doctor.

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Without Surgery

Biostimulation with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an autologous procedure, that is, it is performed with blood drawn painlessly from the same patient, this biological substance being manufactured by our body, chemical-free and risk-free. The enriched plasma is used for facial rejuvenation as well as in stimulating the growth of the hair follicle of the scalp, being an effective weapon to counteract baldness and in turn stimulate hair growth in the desired areas.

Facial filling with hyaluronic acid
Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

Another modern alternative for face spreading. Specially configured for facial soft tissue remodeling; deep folds, wrinkles, chin, lip augmentation, facial or body contour molding, fillers such as Hyaluronic Acid and Aquamid, are an excellent, non-invasive alternative.

(Muscle relaxant)
Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

Botulinum Toxin Injection has been used since 2002 in aesthetic medicine and has revolutionized the treatment of wrinkles and marked expression lines on the face, using a minimally invasive procedure. With the application of this toxin, wrinkles can be reduced from 75% to more, the results being evident within the first week of treatment and remain for a minimum of 3 months.

Tratamiento Quirúrgico
Without Surgery

Currently, any tattoo is capable of being attenuated by using a laser called Q-switched. It is applied to the ink particles for just a fraction of a second, without causing burns to the skin.
This technique is based on the fragmentation of the ink particles that make up the tattoo into much smaller ones that disperse in the epidermis and are subsequently and gradually removed through the lymphatic system. The number of sessions depends on several factors, so we invite you to a medical evaluation to help you remove your unwanted tattoo


Laser Aesthetic Clinic

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